
Photographs: Touristic info centre Zlinsky Kraj, Wannes Sambaer

Malenovice Castle

Hrad Malenovice is one of the best- known historical monuments of the Zlín region. It is possible to tour the castle interiors (the painted hall with Late Gothic vaults and preserved inscriptions from the 1st half of the 16th century, domestic chapel with paintings from the middle of the 18th century, furnishings of the office for the Malenovice.

The castle tower is also open to the public. Housed in the castle are the exhibits of the Muzeum jihovýchodní Moravy ve Zlíně – “Hrady jihovýchodní Moravy“ (Castles of Southeastern Moravia), “Šternberkové v Malenovicích a Pohořelicích 1804–1945“ (The Šternberks in Malenovice and Pohořelice, 1804 -1945), “Pravěk jihovýchodní Moravy“ (Prehistory of Southeastern Moravia). In the last exhibition mentioned, there are even reconstructions of skeletons and cremation tombs. In the building opposite the castle (the former gamekeeper’s lodge) is a newly opened exhibition “Dřevo, proutí, sláma” (Wood, Wicker, Straw). During the tourist season, Malenovice Castle arranges concerts, theatrical performances, and appearances by a group of historic swordsmen.