Photographs: Touristic info centre Zlinsky Kraj
The Národní kulturní památník Ploština (Ploština National Cultural Monument) is located on the site of the pasturage settlement of Ploština about 5 km to the northwest of Valašské Klobouky. Until 1945, several dozen people lived in Ploština. On 19 April 1945, the village was burned to the ground by German occupiers for aiding and abetting partisans. In the 1970s, Ploština was declared a National Cultural Monument. One of the local houses was modified by theMuzeum jihovýchodní Moravy ve Zlíně for museum purposes. The exhibition installed in it is devoted to the history of the anti-fascist struggle in the Zlín district. Located near Ploština is another destroyed village – Vařákovy paseky.