Photographs: Touristic info centre Zlinsky Kraj
City of Eastern Valašsko
The oldest building in the city is the church from the 13th century consecrated to St. Vojtěch (Adalbert). In 985, St. Vojtěch stayed here on the occasion of missionary travels from Hungary through the Vlárský průsmyk (Vlára Gap) into Moravia. Located on a knoll next to the church in the adjacent cemetery are monuments to the victims of the air battles above Slavičín. A second, smaller knoll in the centre of the city is dominated by the Baroque château from 1750 with an adjacent English park. Today the château serves for hospitality purposes, the public park is a place for relaxation and walks, with a children’s playground and a pavilion for musical activities, skittles, volleyball courts and an amphitheatre with a summer cinema. The establishment of ponds belongs to the history of the château, they have become a unique oasis and paradise for fishermen since their renovation. An educational trail around the Slavík pond provides a source of information about the flora and fauna.
Educational trails
The forest park was established in 1940 by the family of the owner of the local footwear factory JAPIS, Jan Pivečka. In addition to wooden sculptures, a complete wooden children’s playground was also built in this park. At the Partnerships Stockholm conference in 2002,
the Pivečka forest park was introduced as one of the 50 selected global projects for sustainable environment. The educational trails Tatarka, Po stopách osídlení Slovanů (On the Trail of Slavic Settlement), Okolo Nevšové (Around Nevšová), the Slavičín educational trail presents the nature and historical attractions of Slavičín and its vicinity. The rugged surroundings of Slavičín attract hikers and cycle tourists along marked trails in the White Carpathians, to the north again to the Vizovice hills. Slavičín is criss-crossed by a dense network of cycling routes. The local Klub českých turistů (Czech Hikers’ Club) maintains a more than thirty-year tradition of Slavičín sixty-kilometre hikes, membership in the Svaz ochránců přírody (Association of Nature Conservators) founded the tradition of Otvírání studánek (The Opening of the Wells) with an outing to spring nature