Valasske Klobouky

Photographs: Touristic info centre Zlinsky Kraj

Monument zone

The historic centre of the city was declared an urban monument zone in 1995. In front of the museum building stands a Renaissance pillory, one of the oldest preserved here. Located on the square is a statue of St. John of Nepomuk and a Marian column, as well as several architectonic monuments. The parish Church of the Holy Cross with a Gothic core was rebuilt in Baroque style in the second half of the 18th century. Part of the monument zone includes several timbered buildings standing on former suburbs. The collections of the museum are housed in the rooms of two historically valuable urban buildings. Housed in the Staré radnice (Old Town Hall) is a permanent exhibit, “Pravěk jižního Valašska” (Prehistory of Southern Wallachia). The Červený dům (Red House) dates from 1781, where awaiting visitors are interiors of urban domesticity and exhibits documenting the development of cloth manufacture, the linen trade, and dye-making in the city. The traditional magnet that attracts many tourists to the city every year is the Valašské kumštování in July, in August there is the music festival Setkání muzikantů v Bílých Karpatech (Meeting of Musicians in the White Carpathians). At the end of the year is the supra-regional Valašský mikulášský jarmark (Wallachian St. Nicholas’s Fair).